AwweStrAAAliah Mate! (Aussie Country)
My inherited traveling companion 👵 and I 👩 had a fairly uneventful flight from LAX headed 'Down Under' . It was a night flight, packed to the tin sides of the aircraft with humanity, and still the mandatory use of face masks was in place 😷😷, Blech! but we understood, especially if it meant we could now travel.💨 🛪. She and I sat a few rows apart, I with my window seat and she in an aisle seat. We waved 🙋 once we got settled and hunkered down for the long haul. It was late at night when we took off but there were movies and a dinner. It was an international flight and the joy in that is the FREE WINE! However, I didn't last long, not even to eat the meal provided. I was exhausted....ZZZZZ😴 huddled snug into my window seat, my hooded fleece over my head, ear buds in place, I watched, wait for it..... Lord of Rings, The Hobbit. Yup, had too. 😂 Okay, okay, I was headed to Australia but I had to land in New Zealand on the way to my final destination, so technically,...