My arrival in LA was a little chaotic..... I was on my own, traveling to, at that time, an unknown destination, a mystery....Oooooooo 😱. I wasn't to find out where I was headed until I checked into the ticket agent at LAX...the next day. For many this could be a little disconcerting, and I certainly had conversations with people I met who had mixed comments, some very excited and positive, others forecasting my kidnapping and eventual enslavement to a militant regime.
I realize that my inhabitation limits are different from other folks. I've lived the nomadic life for quite some time and while I still have some navigational errors in my wanderings, quickly rectifiable, my people reading abilities are purrty darned good. Reading body language, tone of voice, listening "between the lines", so to speak, for any nuances or red flags. It's been working for me, so far......LA. home to masses, upon masses of the human race!
Let's discuss the magic of this city. I've visited the city in different occasions and have been impressed with its vast network of communities that ties the whole vibe together. It's an attraction for many who want to
"Make it BIG" $$$$."
I'm not going to assume anything about it but the city is an addiction for many, captivity for others, a desert or coastal home for some, and a Golden Ticket for the few.
I lived in Southern California for a few years, it did not entice me to stay longer but it did encourage my love of continuous warm weather, beaches, and an ocean at your doorstep.
Mostly, I've traveled through California, top to bottom and side to side. In the air and by car. This trip I was traveling only throouugh LAX to start my
World Wide Journey!
It had been a long first day, SO FREAKING TIRED but excited!
I landed in LAX having to find my way to the airport hotel for the night. I booked it ahead so I wouldn't have to deal with one more potential headache that night. Alone. In LA.
I had much luggage to man-handle by myself, a hotel shuttle to find, and a bottle.. or 2... of wine to drink. I was on a mission that night.
Needless to say, I found my way, dragging my travel golf bag, wearing a full sized hiking pack (full), trailing my carry on, and my Dooney & Bourke bag slung over my shoulder.
My Pride and Joy!
I slept well, snored like a banshee 👻, thank you Senorita Red Wine 🍷🍾.
Sleeping in wasn't in the cards, I was way to excited to get my trip started. I packed myself up, left a tip for housekeeping and navigated my way to LAX and my check in for Unknown Destinations....
I was expecting a lot from LAX. Probably too much.😫
Disappointing international terminal, to say the least.
Anywho.... I met some amazing people!⭐ All of us huddled along the outer edges, some in coveted seats, some standing or squatting against the wall, while the herds of masked travelers passed us by.
We all waited for similar transport, flight, leaving from gates that lay just beyond our reach. In conversing with my cluster of confined companions I found a traveler headed to Australia. She was fascinated and excited about my mystery port of call. She had been sitting there all night..... That's a separate story that I'm not going to tell.
She is funny, full of exciting stories of her travels through the US and now headed home. A true love of wandering in her heart, we connected and remain friends to this day.
Through all the mayhem and noise of waiting for our flights to be called, some very fine people were there to keep me company. We all had a story to tell and everyone headed somewhere else, in transit but looking forward to getting to where they were going.
Approaching my ticket agent 🙋, passing over my passport and ID, she handed me my boarding pass. I looked down at my destination for the first time,
I was on my way! Waahooo!
And I had a companion. My delightful wall seat neighbor was headed there too. 👩👵 Joy and laughter!
Here I go again, telling ya what to do....
Something to learn from my incarcerated time at, LAX:
Expect the unexpected and do not follow the shiny bouncing light! Yup, that's it.
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